Hanover Township Arborist Lorraine Konopka helped Calais Lower School students celebrate both Earth Day and Arbor Day by planting a young river birch (Betula nigra) on our campus.

Ms. Konopka, a Licensed Tree Expert and Certified Arborist, brought her golden shovels for students to help plant the tree near our playground and outdoor classroom area. She showed students how to care for our tree and reminded them that although trees need sunlight, water, and soil to grow, they also need love! Ms. Konopka even brought seedlings for students to take home and instructions on how to care for and plant their trees.

An annual springtime tradition, Hanover Township generously purchases and pays for the installation of a native tree on school grounds using funds from the township’s Tree Fund. Last year, Lorraine and her team planted a beautiful sweetbay magnolia on our campus.

The state of New Jersey has been celebrating Arbor Day since 1949, when the state legislature designated the last Friday in April as the official day to honor trees and the people who take care of them. For more information on Arbor Day visit www.arborday.org and for tree care tips visit www.treesaregood.com.

Earth Day is celebrated worldwide on April 22 to demonstrate support for environmental protection. It was first celebrated in 1970, and is now coordinated globally by the Earth Day Network, and celebrated in more than 192 countries each year.

Thank you Lorraine Konopka for generously donating your time and expertise each and every year!!