Earlier this year, eight of our high school students were selected to participate in Calais’s Artist in Residency program with Mr. Kevin Brooks. Students learned painting and drawing techniques, layout, design and the science of color. Also, art history, art vocabulary, and skills for retraining facts were covered.

When asked about his methodology, Mr. Brooks explained, “Through my art teachings, I become a conduit for my students to discover personal capabilities-far beyond what they thought they could ever achieve. I tell them, you are capable and have many gifts and blessings…for the purpose to excel.”

He went on to explain that special needs children have always captivated his teaching sensibilities. He describes how they “…reach for the life inside them, desperately seeing the inner self that has been denied. They wait and look for the one…to show them the keys…they keys…they already have to open the doors into their hearts and minds.’

He teaches the students that they are are not defined by how they are born nor are they necessarily a product of what has happened to them in their lives but rather, they are what they can become and the possibilities are endless. Mr. Brooks’s methods taught our students to realize their fullness-that they are all born complete. In his own words, he explains “as the acorn already contains within it…the Might Oak.”

Through his instruction the students gained a better perspective on the natural order of things, “…the world wants results, so you must produce. Natural cause and effect…so, be a part of it. Take your place.” Mr. Brooks connected with the students not just on an artistic level but on a deeper personal level. He inspired creativity and positively reinforced personal growth and discovery.