Parents and children were invited to attend a special screening of Screenagers on March 13, at 6:30 pm, in the Calais School auditorium. The event was free of charge and was followed up by an interactive discussion with a panel of addiction experts from New Port Academy, High Focus Centers, and The Kraft Group. We had a great turn out with over fifty attendees including parents and children as well as friends of The Calais School!

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Audience enjoying the special screening of SCREENAGERS: Growing Up In The Digital Age

Attendees enjoyed light snacks and refreshments courtesy of our sponsor, High Focus Centers as they took in this poignant and real-life exploration of growing up in the digital age.

The documentary revealed some really shocking statistics. For instance, did you know that the average time a child spends on his phone or digital device is six-and-a-half hours a day?!

Screenagers delves into the pitfalls of growing up in the digital age and explores how tech time impacts kids’ development. It also checked in with several kids and their families dealing with various real-life technology-related issues from cyber and social media bullying to gaming addiction and navigating the negotiation of “screen-time.”

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Our panel of addiction experts spent close to an hour discussing technology use tips, techniques, and insights with attendees!

After the screening, attendees were given free reign to ask questions and engage in meaningful dialogue with our panel. The interactive discussion really helped to frame the documentary and parents walked away with tips for fostering a healthy relationship with technology.

We owe a special thank you to our sponsors, our volunteers and the friends and family members of the Calais Community for making this event a success!