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This semester Mrs. Dellisanti’s elementary class has been learning about The Civil War. Over the last few weeks her students have had the chance to get creative and interactive with some really fun lesson plans.

In one lesson, the class studied certain defining characteristics about the Union and Confederate soldiers: like what color uniforms they wore and the living conditions for soldiers during the war (news flash: hot, exhausting and uncomfortable).  Mrs. Dellisanti assigned each student a Union or Confederate soldier identity and had them write letters to express what they thought soldiers may have experienced. The activity not only allowed the class to use their imagination, it also gave them a lesson in perspective taking.

Mrs. Dellisanti’s class really enjoyed when Calais’ very own Mr. Patterson, Instructional Aide and former Civil War reenactor, gave the class a lesson on the clothing, gear and weaponry used by Civil War solders. Mr. Patterson is very knowledgeable on both the Civil War and World War II.  He has amassed a very impressive collection of original Civil War era items which includes a Union Soldier Uniform, higher ranking military officer jackets, hats, a canteen, an ammo pouch & tin and copper drinking mug to name a few. The students were very engaged as he reviewed each artifact and its purpose, even letting students pass around certain items. One of the students also volunteered to try on the scratchy and thick wool uniform and accessories which can be cumbersome.

private special education school northern new jersey

Mr. Patterson has participated in several reenactments in New Jersey and New York. He was able to educate Mrs. Dellisanti’s students on very specific details relating to the daily living of Union soldiers as well as interesting details about Civil War Reenactments.

Civil War Reenactment Fun Fact: Did you know that most reenactments have anywhere from 100 to thousands of participants, portraying either Union or Confederate infantry, artillery, or cavalry forces.