On Tuesday October 23rd, the Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation’s Hispanic Latino Network hosted their 11th annual art show and contest at the Morris Museum in Morris County. We are excited to announce that submissions were made by students in Calais’ lower and upper school.

When The Calais School was contacted to participate in the art show, we jumped at the chance to take part in an event that encourages empathy and community as these messages are deeply aligned with our mission and philosophy. Over the past couple of weeks, Mr. Brooks and Mr. Milioto have been working with each art class to create original pieces that are inspired by the vibrant histories, cultures and traditions of Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central and South America. All the while, students have been encouraged and empowered by Mr. Brooks to embrace their self-expression and realize their own natural gifts and abilities.

The featured work produced by Calais students joined that of student artists from schools all over Morris County in grades K through High School. Students who participated in the show, their families and teachers enjoyed a fun night out with food, entertainment and pride in showing their work. The highlight of the show was seeing Calais students proudly displaying their artwork and enjoying the artistic talents of their peers.

Congrats again to everyone who participated!

“Creativity is intelligence having fun.”- Albert Einstein