Last month for Anti-Bullying Month and the National Week of Respect, the Calais School’s counselors and staff educated students and raised awareness about bullying prevention and the importance of respecting each other.

School Counselor Marjane Vitaletti helped organize a variety of activities and special events at the school. Students read special Unity Day messages over the PA system which addressed kindness, respect, empathy, compassion and the definition of a safe community.

Each classroom teacher received digital resources which they used to incorporate into special lessons on bully prevention. In addition, students received worksheets to fill out on speaking up, reaching out and being a friend.

The school’s class representatives distributed pencils, stickers and bookmarks to promote anti-bullying month and celebrate the school’s inclusive environment and the importance of treating each other with respect.

On Wednesday, staff and students wore blue for Unity Day and Leah and Patricia read a special “Unity” poem which included “Unity creates the experience of Cooperation, increases enthusiasm for the task and makes the atmosphere empowering” and “Unity creates a sense of belonging and increases wellbeing for all.”

The Calais School Choir sang the song “True Colors,” which was featured in a “Calais Cougars on the Clock” daily broadcast.

National Bullying Prevention Month is part of a nationwide campaign founded in 2006 by PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Center. The campaign takes place annually in October and unites communities around the world to educate and raise awareness of bullying prevention.
