At the Calais School, students and staff have much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving. In fact, as part of a special holiday activity, students created “Thankful Turkeys” in each classroom sharing what each student is thankful for.

Students in the lower school said they were thankful for everything from family and friends to their pets, the Calais School, people serving in the armed forces and even the Thanksgiving feast! Upper School students are also thankful for “people working to end the pandemic,” “Calais and the nice people in it,” their Xbox, football and their bus driver.

In addition, each class followed a Classroom Kindness List to earn extra points. Students complimented each other, cheering up a friend when they were sad, wrote kind messages to others, played games with their friends as well as a variety of other niceties. This is the full list below.

Classroom Kindness List:

Pay a compliment to someone

Play a game together

Say something nice to a classmate.

Help someone who is feeling sad.

Write a kind message to someone.

Clean up your lunch space.

Share a school supply with a classmate.

Compliment a staff member.

Listen when others are talking.

Say hello to everyone you see.

Read a book with someone.

Give someone a virtual high five.

Smile at everyone you see.

Use “please” and “thank you”.

Tell your friends why they are special

Draw a picture

Make a classmate laugh

Recommend a book, show or movie

Check in with someone to see how their day is going