As Calais Students began the 2020-2021 school year virtually this week, school administrators and staff work to prepare to welcome students back to the school building on September 14.

The Calais Hybrid On-Site program will begin Monday, September 14, with students returning to the school building four days per week and enjoying classes virtually one day per week. Students participating in the Fully-virtual program will continue to take all their classes online.

Earlier this week during staff development, Calais Principal John Cohrs congratulated the school staff for their hard work during the pandemic teaching virtually in the spring as well as during the summer through the school’s ESY program.

“There have been a great many challenges since March,” Mr. Cohrs said in his encouraging remarks to staff on Tuesday. “We should feel really accomplished.”

Mr. Cohrs commended Calais teachers and staff for their hard work to successfully educate students during this unprecedented time in our country’s history.

Calais School administrators and staff have spent the past several weeks preparing the school building for our students. Custodians have worked overtime to ensure the safety of all staff and students, Executive Director David Leitner said. “On behalf of the administration and faculty we thank you for taking care of us and working overtime to ensure our safety,” he said.