Hispanic Heritage Month (observed from September 15 through October 15) is an enriching opportunity to spread awareness colorful mix of the Latino culture and its diverse rich traditions. This year our Spanish and Art Classes teamed up to honor Hispanic Heritage Month.

Ms. Mata’s Spanish students have been discussing several aspects of Latino culture. The bulletin board outside of her classroom is adorned with colorful images, interesting facts and student assignments all in honor of Hispanic Heritage Month.

When Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation announced that the theme of their 11th annual art show and contest was Hispanic Heritage Month, The Calais School jumped at the chance to participate in an art project that addresses life skills development and fosters increased empathy and awareness all while encouraging self expression.

As a result, our World Language and Art Departments have teamed up to inspire Calais students to express their artistic vision as inspired by the vibrant colors, textiles, architecture, and traditions that embody Latino culture.

Mr. Brooks introduced his students to all sorts of imagery and elements of Latino culture to help them get inspired. Students worked on canvas with a variety of supplies from acrylic paint to foam, colored card-stock, colored foil, and even plastic wrap. The finished art pieces will be submitted to the show on October 18th, 2018!

Stay tuned for more details regarding on the Novartis sponsored art show and contest.