Today The Calais School community bid a fond farewell to their own home grown trout, which have been with the school since October. As an active member of the “Trout in the Classroom” program run by the NJ Division of Fish and Wildlife, Calais students embraced the opportunity to take part in this program that teaches children about the importance of cold water conservation through a hands-on approach to learning and culminates in the release of the fish back into the wild.
- Maintenance Supervisor Mr. helped oversee the release of our trout in the Whippany River.
At the release, the Calais student body was represented by students in both Ms. Davies’ and Ms. Perillo’s classes. All students were given the chance to set free a school of fish into the Whippany River. Based on the students’ reaction, everyone enjoyed the experience and look forward to further activities next October, when Calais will once again take part in this worthwhile educational experience.
- Our fish have grown from eggs…
- to fingerling trout!
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