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Animal Assisted Activities

Calais School Welcomes New AAI Handler and Dog to Program

By |2021-10-07T15:31:03-04:00October 7th, 2021|12 Plus Program, Animal Assisted Activities, Animal Assisted Education, Animal Assisted Interventions, Animal Assisted Therapy, Calais Happenings, Counseling, High School, Inspiration, Lower School, Occupational Therapy, Reading, Social Skills Building, Speech|

The Calais School’s Animal Assisted Interventions Program is excited to welcome two new members to its team: new animal handler Lori Kertesz and her dog Star. Mrs. Kertesz is both a registered nurse and a physical therapist and has many [...]

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Calais School Becomes First School Ambassador for Beads of Courage Program

By |2021-09-22T16:53:06-04:00September 22nd, 2021|Animal Assisted Activities, Animal Assisted Education, Animal Assisted Interventions, Animal Assisted Therapy, Calais Happenings, Counseling, High School, Inspiration, Lower School, Occupational Therapy, Reading, Social Skills Building, Speech|

The Calais School, a private school for special needs children in Whippany, is proud to provide the first BEADS OF COURAGE® program pilot for emotional support in an educational setting. The BEADS OF COURAGE® programs use beads as visible and [...]

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Charlotte’s Litter Awards Grant to Animal Assisted Interventions Program at The Calais School

By |2021-08-04T12:47:35-04:00August 4th, 2021|Animal Assisted Activities, Animal Assisted Education, Animal Assisted Interventions, Animal Assisted Therapy, Inspiration|

Students at the Calais School in Whippany will receive a better education and spend more time working with dogs in the Animal Assisted Interventions (AAI) Program at the school thanks to a generous grant for the program from Charlotte’s Litter. [...]

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AAI Program Welcomes Mochi

By |2021-06-16T16:11:21-04:00June 16th, 2021|12 Plus Program, Academics, Animal Assisted Activities, Animal Assisted Education, Animal Assisted Interventions, Animal Assisted Therapy, Calais Happenings, Counseling, ESY, Extra-curricular activities, High School, Inspiration, Lower School, Social Skills Building, Speech|

The Calais School’s one-of-a-kind Animal Assisted Interventions Program is excited to welcome the newest member of our team and the first dog to be named after a Japanese ice cream: Mochi. Mochi is a male Pharaoh Hound and celebrated his first [...]

Calais School’s AAI Program Joins The International Association of Human Animal Interaction Organizations

By |2021-06-01T16:04:56-04:00May 26th, 2021|12 Plus Program, Animal Assisted Activities, Animal Assisted Education, Animal Assisted Interventions, Animal Assisted Therapy, Calais Happenings, High School, Lower School|

The Animal Assisted Interventions Program at The Calais School has recently become a new member of the prestigious International Association of Human Animal Interaction Organizations (IAHAIO). “We are honored to become a member of such a lauded organization,” said Tiffany [...]

Calais School in Whippany Celebrates National Therapy Animal Day with Dedication of New Dog Park

By |2021-05-03T13:31:46-04:00April 30th, 2021|Animal Assisted Activities, Animal Assisted Education, Animal Assisted Interventions, Animal Assisted Therapy, Calais Happenings, Counseling, High School, Inspiration, Lower School, Reading, Social Skills Building, The Arts at Calais|

The Calais School in Whippany observed National Therapy Animal Day on Friday, April 30 with a celebration of its Animal Assisted Interventions Program and a dedication of the new Calais Paw Park on the school campus. About 30 members of [...]

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