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Animal Assisted Activities

Calais School AAI Dogs Celebrate Retirement with Virtual Celebration

By |2020-06-29T17:35:36-04:00June 29th, 2020|Academics, Animal Assisted Activities, Animal Assisted Education, Animal Assisted Interventions, Animal Assisted Therapy, Calais Happenings, Counseling, Occupational Therapy|

Calais School Animal Assisted Interventions (AAI) dogs Sage, Cali and Oreo recently retired from their positions as AAI dogs at the school. To celebrate their retirement and to say “goodbye” to all their Calais School friends, Animal Handlers Susan Greenbaum, [...]

Calais Hosts First Virtual Open House

By |2020-06-05T14:38:10-04:00June 5th, 2020|12 Plus Program, Academics, Animal Assisted Activities, Animal Assisted Education, Animal Assisted Interventions, Animal Assisted Therapy, Calais Happenings, Counseling, High School, Lower School|

The Calais School hosted its first ever virtual open house program on Thursday, May 28. The event, which took place virtually over Zoom, was a wonderful achievement, attracting more than 20 parents, social workers and school psychologists looking for a [...]

Daily Record Runs Front Page Story on AAI Program

By |2020-05-01T17:24:33-04:00May 1st, 2020|Animal Assisted Activities, Animal Assisted Education, Animal Assisted Interventions, Animal Assisted Therapy, Counseling, Reading|

The Calais School's Animal Assisted Intervention (AAI) Program was recently featured on the front page of the Daily Record. The paper's reporter Gene Myers wrote a story about how well our AAI program is adapting during the Covid-19 pandemic and [...]

AAI Program Dogs and Handlers Assist Calais Students During Pandemic

By |2020-04-20T16:15:15-04:00April 20th, 2020|Academics, Animal Assisted Activities, Animal Assisted Education, Animal Assisted Interventions, Animal Assisted Therapy, High School, Lower School, Occupational Therapy, Reading, Social Skills Building, Speech|

As many teachers and students deal with the challenges of distance learning during the coronavirus pandemic, Animal Assisted Intervention (AAI) dogs and their handlers face even more hurdles as they try to assist special needs students. At the Calais School [...]

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