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Community Based Instruction

New Van Gives Students More Access to College & Career Exploration

By |2025-03-24T13:57:54-04:00March 24th, 2025|12 Plus Program, Calais Foundation, Calais Happenings, Career & Technical Education, Community Based Instruction, High School, Inspiration, Transition & Career Services, Work Based Learning|

Our Transition Program now has a new nine-seater van thanks to funding from Santander Bank and The Calais Foundation. The new van is already transporting students to the County College of Morris, local job sites and community-based outings. Our Transition [...]

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My Calais Story: Jacob Phelps

By |2024-04-29T15:35:36-04:00April 8th, 2024|Calais Happenings, Community Based Instruction, Inspiration, My Calais Story|

Beacon For a Brighter Future Before I started coming to Calais in 2022, I was going through a very rough chapter of my life. My old school lacked the resources and understanding to help me manage stress and self-regulate. I [...]

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Students Prep for Independent Living After High School Through Community Based Instruction

By |2023-08-15T12:05:56-04:00August 15th, 2023|12 Plus Program, Calais Happenings, Career & Technical Education, Community Based Instruction, High School, Inspiration, Structured Learning Experiences, Transition & Career Services|

What is Community Based Instruction and how does it Benefit Calais Students? Community Based Instruction (CBI) outings have been accused of being just another school field trip. However, if you look a little closer, you will find these small group [...]

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“Service Learning” Class Comes to Calais with a Lesson in Giving Back for the Greater Good!

By |2022-10-25T11:44:06-04:00October 25th, 2022|Academics, Animal Assisted Activities, Animal Assisted Education, Calais Happenings, Class Projects, Community Based Instruction, High School, Inspiration|

There’s an exciting new class at Calais this year taught by Ms. Binal Shah for 12th Graders! It’s called Service Learning. In this innovative class, learning goes beyond the school walls and into the community with special projects and presentations [...]

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Alumni Spotlight: Chelsea C.

By |2022-10-11T17:48:33-04:00October 4th, 2022|12 Plus Program, Academics, Alumni, Community Based Instruction, Counseling, Inspiration, Social Skills Building, Transition & Career Services|

At The Calais School in Whippany, students with special needs gain the independent living skills, workplace knowledge, and personal confidence they need to succeed. This is the story of Chelsea C., a Calais alumna who attributes her success in college [...]

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Calais Offers Bridge Program for Students in 12 Plus Program to Take Classes at County College of Morris

By |2021-08-05T20:53:53-04:00August 5th, 2021|12 Plus Program, Academics, Community Based Instruction, Inspiration, Structured Learning Experiences|

Special needs students who are interested in attending college but need support to succeed can benefit by enrolling in the Calais School’s Bridge Program. The program opens the door to many opportunities for students who participate in the school’s 12 [...]

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