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Social Skills Building

Calais School Becomes First School Ambassador for Beads of Courage Program

By |2021-09-22T16:53:06-04:00September 22nd, 2021|Animal Assisted Activities, Animal Assisted Education, Animal Assisted Interventions, Animal Assisted Therapy, Calais Happenings, Counseling, High School, Inspiration, Lower School, Occupational Therapy, Reading, Social Skills Building, Speech|

The Calais School, a private school for special needs children in Whippany, is proud to provide the first BEADS OF COURAGE® program pilot for emotional support in an educational setting. The BEADS OF COURAGE® programs use beads as visible and [...]

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AAI Program Welcomes Mochi

By |2021-06-16T16:11:21-04:00June 16th, 2021|12 Plus Program, Academics, Animal Assisted Activities, Animal Assisted Education, Animal Assisted Interventions, Animal Assisted Therapy, Calais Happenings, Counseling, ESY, Extra-curricular activities, High School, Inspiration, Lower School, Social Skills Building, Speech|

The Calais School’s one-of-a-kind Animal Assisted Interventions Program is excited to welcome the newest member of our team and the first dog to be named after a Japanese ice cream: Mochi. Mochi is a male Pharaoh Hound and celebrated his first [...]

Students Enjoy Virtual Assemblies

By |2021-05-18T17:10:12-04:00May 18th, 2021|12 Plus Program, Calais Happenings, Career & Technical Education, High School, Inspiration, Lower School, Reading, Social Skills Building, Structured Learning Experiences, The Arts at Calais|

Calais students are enjoying a series of fun virtual assemblies in May and June ranging from wacky science to music technology. On May 5, students in grades K-12 Plus participated in a high-energy assembly titled “Music Technology with Brent Daniels” [...]

Calais School in Whippany Celebrates National Therapy Animal Day with Dedication of New Dog Park

By |2021-05-03T13:31:46-04:00April 30th, 2021|Animal Assisted Activities, Animal Assisted Education, Animal Assisted Interventions, Animal Assisted Therapy, Calais Happenings, Counseling, High School, Inspiration, Lower School, Reading, Social Skills Building, The Arts at Calais|

The Calais School in Whippany observed National Therapy Animal Day on Friday, April 30 with a celebration of its Animal Assisted Interventions Program and a dedication of the new Calais Paw Park on the school campus. About 30 members of [...]

The Legacy of Calais

By |2021-04-21T09:28:19-04:00April 20th, 2021|Animal Assisted Interventions, Calais Happenings, Counseling, Extra-curricular activities, High School, Inspiration, Lower School, Social Skills Building, The Arts at Calais, Transition & Career Services|

The Calais School is a leading therapeutic special education school in northern New Jersey where students and young adults with special needs can gain confidence and achieve their full potential. This mission and purpose is not only the solid foundation [...]

12 Plus Students Gain New Workplace Skills

By |2021-03-02T14:29:55-05:00February 25th, 2021|12 Plus Program, Calais Happenings, Social Skills Building, Speech, Structured Learning Experiences, Transition & Career Services|

The Calais School may have put a temporary pause on Work-Based Learning outings, but 12 Plus Program students continue to build workplace skills in a variety of ways. Through a curriculum developed by Calais's Speech Language Pathologist, Ms. Holly Bracken, [...]

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