How incredible that something so small can have such a big impact?

On the surface, a bead is a simple decorative object, but at The Calais School, we know a bead can mean so much more! Through BEADS OF COURAGE®, Calais faculty and Counseling team members are able to honor, recognize and celebrate students with gifted beads. What’s more, Calais students are able to appreciate their peers through the sharing of personal stories as told through their beads. These stories may be about courage, strength, maybe overcoming difficulties or celebrating a milestone in a student’s life…

It all started in 2021 when The Calais School became the first school nationwide to partner with BEADS OF COURAGE® in a pilot program designed to offer additional emotional support to our students. During the pilot year, students were gifted beads by therapy dogs and dog handlers from the school’s Animal Assisted Interventions Program as they worked alongside therapists during related services sessions. Today, the school’s counselors, therapists and teachers play an integral role in the program. The significance comes from the meaning behind the bead, why it was gifted, and the journey of each participating student.

Throughout the 2023-2024 school year, Ms. Genovese and her lower school students have been actively participating in BEADS OF COURAGE®. Ms. Genovese has gifted beads to her students for a variety of reasons, like working on a personal goal, attempting to use self calming strategies, patience and flexibility, and acts of courage. 

Calais School Counselor Lisa-Marie Guillod, who works closely with lower school students, offers her high praise for the program, “I enjoy the opportunity to “gift” students beads when an important act is done.” Ms. Guillod has gifted beads for acts of kindness, friendship, patience and flexibility. 

Some students choose to share their beads with others or wear them proudly, while others hang them from their backpacks like Calais student Charlie B.

Calais student Charlie C. displays his beads on his backpack.

While the type of bead gifted and the reason behind the gifting may vary, Ms. Guillod shared that her favorite bead is the “I did it” bead. Each “I did it” bead reflects an important personal moment in a student’s journey – a tangible reminder of how far a student has come. A few lower school students have shared that they esteem the ‘Bumpy Bead’ for its significance as it relates to their personal experiences in overcoming medical emergencies, coping with changes in their home and family lives, as well as personal growth.

When beads are given, they include a “care note” which is another way to express why a bead is being gifted but in the words of the person “gifting” the bead. Many of our students appreciate the personal touch of the care note as it creates a deeper connection to the symbolism behind each bead. 

Today, as we complete our third year with BEADS OF COURAGE®, the program is stronger than ever. The Calais School is excited to continue offering BEADS OF COURAGE® to our students as it also allows Calais faculty and staff to develop deeper relationships with students, and allows students to connect with peers in unexpected and positive ways.