As the 2017-18 School Year comes to a close, we like to take time to acknowledge all the hard work and accomplishments of our students. The parents of our lower school students are invited to an annual breakfast awards ceremony while our eighth grade and high school students celebrate with their own awards ceremony.

Lower School Awards Breakfast Ceremony

Our Annual Lower School Awards Ceremony Breakfast is a very special event that occurs at the end of every year.

The students have been working so hard throughout the school year and the Ceremony is a time for this hard work and dedication to be recognized in front of parents, caregivers, teachers and peers. Students are encouraged to sit with their loved ones as they cheer for one another.  The awards, which are given out by each teacher commend significant growth and progress in the core areas of Math, Reading, Writing, Science, Physical Fitness and more. Attendees enjoyed a light breakfast and the musical and vocal talents of the Calais Band and Chorus.

We are so proud of our Lower School Students!

Upper School Awards Ceremony

At our annual Upper School Awards Ceremony students were honored with certificates of achievement and for excelling in various courses of study including Math, Art, Science, Technology and 21st Century Life & Career Skills. They also received certificates for participation in Physical Education and extra-curricular activities.

Coach Femia had some special words and awards for the 2017-18 Basketball Team and the cast and crew of the school play walked away with their very own Academy Awards.

The Upper School Awards Ceremony is always an uplifting and proud moment at The Calais School. We are always blown away by the progress and achievement of our Upper School students each year. Congrats to everyone on all their accomplishments!