Awareness, Exploration, and Preparation…
Any successful entrepreneur knows that being your own boss definitely has its advantages. These include independence, flexibility, and turning a personal passion or interest into a viable career option. On the other hand, though, there are plenty of challenges such as risk, accountability, and unpredictable income. Never the less, there is potential in all of us to achieve greatness!
Our 12 Plus students recently met with Calais staff member Mr. Maksuta to explore what it might take to successfully tap into our potential for greatness as an entrepreneur. By day, Mr. Maksuta might work at the Calais School but he also has a secret identity as Jeff Maksuta, successful Cartoonist and Entrepreneur!
Mr. Maksuta shared a lot of insights from his career pursuits as a freelance cartoonist. The overarching message was that preparation, motivation, and dedication to your craft, whatever it may be, is essential for success. Investing in the right areas is also of utmost importance. For instance, in cartooning Mr. Maksuta found the most return on investment when investing in quality supplies, strategic marketing plans, and professional displays to present his work.
One of the most valuable lessons Mr. Maksuta imparted on our 12 Plus Students was that entrepreneurial success requires hard work to organize and run your own business but if you believe in yourself, sell yourself, stay up-to-date on your trade and plan ahead, it can be very rewarding.
Entrepreneurship is not for the faint of heart, but no matter what your employment goals are, it’s important to be realistic when planning for your future. Success is right around the corner!