Don’t Stand By. Stand Up and Stand Together!

In a perfect world, there would be no bullies. Bullying not only causes anxiety and school phobia, the trauma from being bullied can be long lasting and wreak havoc on a child’s self esteem and confidence.

At Calais we have a zero-tolerance policy for bullying of any kind and work diligently with our students to educate them on how to identify and stand up to bullying in a safe way. Our counselors and therapists are there for students who may be struggling to overcome trauma from past bullying experiences. 

This October, as we observe National Bullying Prevention Month, Calais School Counselor Marjane Vitaletti has prepared a curriculum of anti-bullying activities, resources, and discussions for Calais students to bring ‌bullying to the forefront. Our goal through these activities is to help our students understand, recognize, and stand up to bullying. Calais’ culture is one of positivity, respect and kindness. 

Bullying Prevention Activities in October at Calais

  • PSA Announcements. Daily announcements will address the importance of kindness, respect, empathy and compassion for one another creating a positive school environment.
  • A poster contest. Homerooms will be encouraged to design posters with a Bully Prevention/Be Kind message. Posters will be judged on Friday Oct 21st by Class Reps in the Upper and Lower school.
  • A Pledge against Bullying: Students will receive Stomp Out Bullying stickers and positive affirmation bracelets as a reminder of their pledge against bullying. 
  • Counselor Led Group Discussions on bully prevention and awareness.
  • Go Blue against Bullying Day: The Calais Community will wear blue on October 19 and receive blue ribbons made by some of our high school students.

National Bullying Prevention Month is part of a nationwide campaign founded in 2006 by PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Center. The campaign takes place annually in October and unites communities around the world to educate and raise awareness of bullying prevention. 

If you are someone you know is being bullied, talk to someone you trust like a friend, parent, teacher, and mentor or reach out confidentially to a Calais counselor.

Helpful Resources: