This week, Mrs. DelliSanti’s class is studying World War 1 and a large component of that is trench warfare.

Some of the lessons have focused around giving students a better perspective of the challenges faced by soldiers on a day-to-day basis as they fought to stay alive. The class really ‘dug in’ when they worked together to build a simplified trench in the classroom.  With their trench complete, the students watched a video on life in a trench which gave them a visual depiction of the harsh living conditions endured by soldiers.


Mrs. DelliSanti’s class also learned about the severe reality of war by listening to a soundtrack of WW1 war sounds. It helped the students better understand what it might feel like for a soldier at war knowing that right across “no-man’s land” the Germans were waiting. The  students have gained a greater appreciation for those who gave their lives fighting for the world’s freedom. Later this week, they will be writing letters to Medal Of Honor recipients.