Calais’s Annual Senior Breakfast started at 10 a.m. today,October 10th, in the school cafeteria.

The class of 2018 were served refreshments and grub as they got down to business with official Senior class business. The first order was the election of Class Representatives. Once logistics were out of the way, the class moved on to the equally pressing topic of prom themes.

The Calais Prom is an exciting event for both Faculty and students. This year the theme chosen was Paris. Whether it will be “midnight in Paris,” “City of Romance,” “To Paris with Love” or “Paris, City of Light”  is yet to be determined.  Either way, if it’s anything like the proms of years past, it will be elegant, fun and full of memories that will be cherished by everyone involved.

Calais wishes the Class of 2018 a happy and successful Senior year!