The Calais School is proud to announce our graduating class of 2015. Six high school seniors and six 8th graders participated in The Calais School’s 44th commencement ceremony, celebrating their accomplishments and hard work. Proud parents, siblings, grandparents, friends, board members, and staff joined the celebration of student achievement.
Eighth grade graduate Anthony O. started of the ceremony with the Pledge of Allegiance and Joy C. sang the National Anthem, accompanied by our school band. Executive Director David Leitner’s opening remarks encouraged all of our graduates to never let people tell you what you cannot do.
During the Principal’s address, Dr. Diane Manno prompted everyone to think about their heroes. While many people may have thought of athletes or superheroes, she told the audience,
“Real heroes are those individuals who dare to overcome their fears in order to deal with life experiences that are difficult…. As I look around at the graduating class, I have observed the individual strengths and talents of each student. Each of these students has the capacity to become a hero.
Let’s all think about who we could be if we did not allow fear or anger or our limitations stop us from being a hero.What could YOU do? Who would YOU be? So I challenge the graduating class of 2015 dare to become a hero!”
Each senior shared their Calais School experiences in moving speeches. Seniors thanked their family, friends, teachers, and counselors for their support. Each student took a moment to thank the people that made a particular impact on them. Their stories were heartfelt and humorous. Connor S. thanked the speech teacher, “for helping me with my speech and my speech. Get it? My ‘speech’ and my ‘speech’!”
Many students gave thanked the friends who made a special impression on their lives and shared their personal stories of struggle, growth, and achievement. Caroline M. shared that she was nervous starting at The Calais School, but “I began to make friends and they listened to me. They were the first people who really understood how I felt about being bullied. They listened to how I was cornered by kids in my old school and how scared I was.”
Omar C. spoke eloquently about how much he has changed and how he has grown:
I’ve changed since I have gotten to The Calais School. I am much calmer and less reactive to negative situations. I still have a lot of work to do, but at least now, I know what it is I have to continue to work on.
Taiki E. shared how he has grown since he began at The Calais School:
Just getting to school was very difficult for me in the beginning. With the support of my parents, the counselors and the teachers, I began coming in every day. During the first year, I was able to work at my own pace which helped relieve a tremendous amount of anxiety. I was taught techniques that helped me work through difficult moments. So to answer to the question, how have I changed since I started here, my self-confidence and resiliency skills have grown. I learned how to persevere through difficult situations.
We are all thankful for the opportunity to work with truly inspiring, thoughtful and dedicated students. We are so proud of our graduates and what they have accomplished here at Calais and will accomplish in their lives. Quoting her personal hero, Dr. Manno closed the ceremony with the following:
Joy is acceptance of self and the world.
He who is joyful is free and at peace.
So I wish you joy, if not continually
At least often
At least everyday
I wish it for you all.
Congratulations to the class of 2014 and best wishes for a bright future. We wish you joy and success in the years ahead and look forward to seeing many of you during the summer program and in 12 Plus next year!
- The Culinary Arts students made delicious desserts for us all to share.